Satellite groups

Our satellite groups range from fitness to chatting about AI and social media are formed based on topics requested by members. Feel free to suggest one!

The AI Group - Everyone's talking about AI maybe you should too. (Thursday Evenings 7PM est)

Dungeon Dweller - This dungeon and dragons group will have you off adventuring in no time. (Saturday afternoons 2PM est) 

Social Media Mix - Trying to build your social media cred? Do the same with others. No experience necessary.(Wednesday evenings 7PM est)

The Fit Club - It doesn't matter if training for a marathon or just looking to shed a few pounds, why do it alone. (Wednesday evenings 6PM est)

Off The Grid Group - Whether you drive an RV or live on a boat, share you adventures and discuss your challenges with kindred spirits.(Thursday evenings 6PM est)